Admission Arrangements 2025 - 26

Linton Village College is part of the Anglian Learning group of academies.  It is Anglian Learning (or the ‘Trust’) that is the Admission Authority and it is responsible for setting the rules which govern how admissions to our school are managed.

Our school largely serves the area which we call our catchment. Further information to show whether your home is in our catchment can be found here


As selecting the right school for your child is such an important decision we would strongly urge you and your child to visit the College before submitting an application.  Please consider transport options as part of your decision to apply to LVC.   If you live outside of Cambridgeshire, please be aware that you will not be entitled to free transport and it is your responsibility to ensure that you are able to get your child to school.  For those applying for a place into Year 7 we hold our Open Evening in late September, giving you a chance to meet staff and some of the students. If you are making an in-year application it is still important to make sure the College is the right place for your child and we would encourage you to arrange a visit by contacting us at


The application process for admissions into Year 7 is co-ordinated by Cambridgeshire Local Authority (LA), which acts on behalf of The Governing Body to offer places at the College. Parents should apply online at: or submit a Cambridgeshire Application Form, available from their child’s primary school or from the LA Admissions Team, no later than the LA deadline cut-off for online applications at 23:59 on 31 October; paper applications must be received by the Admissions Team no later than 5pm on 31 October. Offer letters will be issued by the LA on the National Offer Date (1st March or first working day after). Late applications (those submitted between the October deadline and the end of the co-ordination period) will be handled by the Admissions Team.

To apply for a place after the start of term or in any other year group, please contact the LA Admissions Team for an application form.

LA Admissions Team Contact: 0345 045 1370

Parents wishing to visit the College prior to submitting an application are welcome to do so, though it may not always be possible to organise this at short notice. Visits are not interviews and do not affect any decision regarding the availability of a place. Please contact the College to make arrangements.


Parents living outside Cambridgeshire who wish their child to attend the College must apply to the county that they live in. For example, parents living in Haverhill should apply to Suffolk and those living in Ashdon or Saffron Walden should apply to Essex. Please consider transport options as part of your decision to apply to LVC.   If you live outside of Cambridgeshire, please be aware that you will not be entitled to free transport and it is your responsibility to ensure that you are able to get your child to school.  If you would like your child to go to the College, please name Linton Village College in the first preference space provided on the application form. Please note that the deadline date for other counties may differ from Cambridgeshire, so please ensure your application is received on time. You will hear from the county that you have applied to whether your application has been successful in early March.

There is a different process for in-year applications, please see below.


For admission into Year 7 each September, the Local Authority, on behalf of The Governing Body, will offer places to 150 children. This is the Published Admission Number (PAN) for that year group. In the event that more than 150 applications are received, the oversubscription criteria will be applied to determine priority for places by the LA on behalf of Anglian Learning. All preferences are treated equally, regardless of whether they are first, second or third preferences.


The criteria in this section apply to entry at all year groups of the school.

Any child with an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) naming the school will be admitted regardless of numbers.

The remaining places will be given to those children who meet the criteria set out below, in priority order:

  1. Children In Care*, sometimes known as Looked After Children*, and previously Looked After Children.
  2. Children who live in our catchment, who attend one of our feeder* schools, and who have a sibling* already here.
  3. Children who live in our catchment, and who have a sibling already here.
  4. Children who live in our catchment and attend one of our feeder schools.
  5. All other children who live in our catchment.
  6. Children of school staff members *
  7. Children who live outside our catchment but attend one of our feeders and already have a sibling here.
  8. Children who live outside our catchment but have a sibling here.
  9. Children who live outside our catchment but attend one of our feeder schools.
  10. Any other children, ranked according to distance*.

For Years 8 to 11, the PAN is 165.  If a place becomes available it will be offered to the child at the top of the reserve list for the year group or, if no reserve list exists, the place will be offered to the first child for whom an application is received.

Feeder schools are the primary schools within our catchment with whom we have strong links.  They are: Burrough Green, Castle Camps, Great Abington, Linton Heights Junior and The Meadow Primary School.


The school will operate a waiting list for each year group. Where we receive more applications for Year 7 places than there are places available, the waiting list will operate until the 31 December. Your child’s name will automatically be placed on the waiting list if you have been refused a place.

Your child’s position on the waiting list will be determined solely in accordance with the oversubscription criteria, and not on the basis of the date when the application was received.  When places become vacant, they will be allocated to children on the waiting list in accordance with the oversubscription criteria.  The waiting list will be re-ordered whenever anyone is added to, or leaves, the waiting list.  This means that your child’s position on the waiting list can move up but can also go down.

If you wish for your child to remain on the waiting list after 31 December, you must ask for your continuing interest in a place to be noted as a new list will then be started.


If you have been refused a place for your child at our school, you have a right of appeal to an independent appeal panel constituted and operated in accordance with the School Admission Appeals Code.

Information on how to make an appeal will be provided in the letter refusing your child a school place, and also at


If you are requesting a place for your child in other year groups, or for year 7 after the normal admission round has finished, you will need to apply via the Cambridgeshire County Council regardless of which County you are in.

The same rules apply as for the year 7 children, however in older years we may at times not admit up to the PAN if the way in which that year group is organised makes it an educationally undesirable decision to do so.

You can apply for a place at any time and your application will be dealt with under the statutory timescales.  Details can be found at

If a place cannot be offered then the child’s name will automatically be placed on the waiting list until the end of the term in which you are seeking admission, and if you wish for your child to remain on the waiting list after that point then you must ask for your continuing interest in a place to be noted as a new list will then be established.

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