Governing Body
The Local Governing Body fulfils important delegated duties on behalf of Anglian Learning’s Trust Board. This group, which comprises a wide range of expertise, is responsible for supporting the Trust Board in the following ways.
- Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction.
- Holding school leaders to account for educational standards.
- Overseeing the school’s management of finances.
The full Governing Body meets termly.
Link Governors are appointed to focus on key aspects of the school’s leadership and management. Details are listed below. Working parties involving governors are also established to support with school improvement priorities.
We are committed to diverse representation in our Governing body. If you are interested in the rewarding role of LVC governor or wish to raise a matter with the Governing Body, please contact the Clerk via letter or email
This list is correct as of January 2023.
Staff Governors
Mrs H Marsh (Principal)
Ms A Dellar
Parent Governors
Mrs Georgina Ellis
Dr Ronan O’Leary
Trust Appointed Governors
Dr P Woodroffe (Chair)
Mrs C Babinsky
Mrs J Carter
Mrs C Gorman (Vice Chair)
Mr C Turner
Mrs V Whitcombe
Mr Chris Hine
Mr David Blackman
Clerk to the Governing Body
Mrs Kay Pearce
Chair of Governors
Mr Peter Woodroffe
Linton Village College
Cambridge Road
CB21 4JB
Telephone: 01223 891233 (Reception)
Governor Links 2023-24
Anglian Learning Scheme of Delegation
Membership and Declaration of Interests
Attendance List 2023-24
Attendance List 2022-23
Minutes 12.09.21
Minutes 07.12.21
Minutes 15.03.22
Minutes 12.07.22
Minutes 11.10.22
Minutes 11.07.23
Minutes 16.10.23
Minutes 05.12.23
Minutes 30.01.24
Minutes 19.03.24