Year 9
In Year 9, all students continue to follow a broad and balanced curriculum, enriched by the students’ ability to tailor the subjects they study in the Technology and Arts faculties.
All students in Year 9 go through a second and final stage of choosing their options for Key Stage 4 with the help and guidance of parents and teachers.
The options booklet and assembly slides can be found below.
Note: This page is updated annually in the spring once the options process begins.
Key dates for 2024-2025
Thursday 6th February – Options Assembly
Monday 10th February – Options booklet published to students (and Satchel:One)
Thursday 6th March – Options Evening Event (in person) with Parent-Tutor Meetings and Subject Marketplace
Monday 10th March – Options form published to students
Thursday 3rd April – Parent-Teacher Evening (online)
Monday 21st April – Deadline for final options form (online – distributed via Satchel:One)
All students in Year 9 study the following subjects:
- English
- Maths
- Science
- Humanities: Geography, History, Religious Studies and PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic)
- Modern languages: French or Spanish
- PE, including Personal Fitness and Sport
- Information Technology
In addition, students select four of the following subjects to study in Year 9 to enable them to make more informed choices for Years 10 and 11.
- Arts: Art, Dance, Drama and Music
- Technology: Computing, Design & Technology and Food & Nutrition