Pupil Premium
What is the Pupil Premium?
The Pupil Premium is additional funding provided by the government. It is designed to help disadvantaged pupils perform better, and close the gap in attainment between them and their peers. Disadvantaged students are defined as those currently in receipt of free school meals (FSM), or have been entitled to this in the past six years. The school also receives an enhanced premium for Looked After Children (those that have been in care or adopted). The Service Pupil Premium is a smaller fund available to assist the school to provide pastoral care to the children of armed forces personnel. SPP is there for schools to provide mainly pastoral support for Service children. Therefore, if a pupil is eligible for SPP, then the school will arrange a meeting with the child and their family to better understand what pastoral support the child would benefit from. You can view more information on the SPP here.
How much Pupil Premium does the school receive?
In the financial year 2023-2024, the Premium is awarded to the school and calculated per eligible student on the following basis:
· £335 per Service Personnel child
· £1,035 for each pupil registered as eligible for free school meals (FSM) at any point in the last 6 years
· £2,530 per Looked After Child (Pupil Premium Plus)
If you believe that your child is eligible for additional support please contact Alison Rothwell (arothwell@lintonvc.org). If you would like to discuss entitlement criteria further, please get in touch with your child’s Head of Year so that we can help you to explore additional funding to support your child’s education.
How does the school make use of the Pupil Premium?
At Linton Village College we are committed to closing educational gaps to ensure that all children, regardless of their personal circumstances, are able to thrive and succeed at school and in later life. The Pupil Premium funding that the school receives is used to provide additional individualised, targeted support. It enables the school to supplement and enhance provision in a positive and proactive way. While intervention has an important role in schools, we believe that strong, personalised first teaching and pastoral care are paramount to helping individual students to achieve their potential. The commitment to accelerating pupil progress, ensuring equal opportunities and harnessing students’ unique talents underpins our use of the Pupil Premium.
Our spending of the Pupil Premium funding is based on the following core principles:
- All students in receipt of the Pupil Premium are unique and will need individualised programmes of support to enable them to flourish.
- A focus on developing fundamental literacy and numeracy skills is crucial in order to equip students with a strong foundation to access the curriculum and achieve success at school and in the future.
- A personalised curriculum offer, including targeted teaching and intervention, is key to enabling students to secure progress.
- Strong pastoral care is essential to enable students to be happy, confident and ready to learn.
- In order for students to thrive at school their basic needs need to be met, including access to essential equipment and learning resources.
- Ensuring that disadvantaged learners benefit from all school wide enrichment and extra-curricular opportunities as we believe these activities provide crucial formative experiences and relationships that enhance students’ education and life opportunities.
- Using evidence-based approaches (such as research from The Education Endowment Foundation and Professor John Hattie) to inform practices.
Further detail on the College’s 3-year Pupil Premium strategy alongside a review of the impact of the spending in 2022/23 can be found below.