A Smooth Transition

The 8mates prepare to welcome the new Year 7 students in September

At Linton Village College we strive for a seamless transition from primary to secondary school. Whilst the College has well-established links to its feeder primary schools, it also welcomes children from out of catchment each academic year. We realise that the move from one school to another can be a stressful time for parents, carers and students alike, as habitual routines are replaced by new ones and familiar faces exchanged for what might, at first, appear to be strangers.

This area of our school website has been designed to provide our new parents, carers and students with a one-stop shop for 6 to 7 information. We hope that Year 6 students will be able to look at the links from it with their parents or carers and friends before joining us in September. We believe that doing this will promote discussion about the new school year and allay some of the anxieties about the change ahead.

Linton Village College is a great place to be and our students and staff work tirelessly as a community to support each other. Our new Year 7 students in September will quickly become part of everyday College life and all that this affords.


We have trained a group of Year 7 students to act as 8mates to the new students when they arrive in September. The 8mates will be attached to a tutor group and will be with the new students throughout their induction process in July. One of the 8mates describes their role:-

‘This year, LVC are setting up a group of students to help the new Year 7s move up to the College and settle in. Around 30 pupils were successful in their applications, interviews and training to become 8mates. Our job as 8mates is to support the Year 7s in making friends, coping with homework, finding their way around the school and generally helping them with any problems they have in any way we can. As the 8mates will only be in Year 8, they will be able to remember their experiences moving to LVC and will be able to easily empathise with students. All the 8mates are very excited about their new role and are looking forward to working with Year 7 very soon.’

Key Information for Starting in September 2025

If you live in catchment you can apply for our bus service here


Open Evening 2025 – Thursday 25th September 2025 (provisional)

Transition Days – Wednesday 2nd and Thursday 3rd July 2025

Total Clothing uniform sizing event – Monday 7th July 3.30 – 5pm




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