Assessment and Reporting
Go 4 Schools Assessment
Go4Schools is the college’s live electronic mark book. It enables teachers to routinely record assessment data in order that it can be shared openly with students and their parents. It provides an effective means of tracking assessment data and sharing progress. Subject leaders have created electronic mark books to suit the structure and needs of their curriculum. Mark sheets have been developed to represent units of study and weightings are given to individual assessments to enable calculations to be made to generate accurate current working grades. Please refer to the Assessment, Recording and Reporting Policy and departmental guidance for further details about how to use Go4Schools and for clarification about target setting.
Progress Reports
Twice per year, students and parents receive Snapshot Reports which communicate the current grade, the KS3 Indicator or KS4 Minimum Target Grade, and attitudinal data for each subject.
KS3 Reports include:
- KS3 Indicator – This descriptor provides a link between prior attainment and estimated GCSE achievement. The five descriptors are Emerging, Developing, Achieving, Surpassing and Excelling. They broadly anticipate a trajectory as below:
- Current grade – This is a weighted average of your child’s key assessments so far, using the same descriptors as above. A student who is making expected progress will have the same KS3 Indicator and Current Grade. Academic progress is not necessarily linear however, and we expect variation along the way.
- Attitudinal data – This is the teacher’s grading on your child’s performance in the areas of home learning, classwork, behaviour for learning, and organisation.
KS4 Reports include:
- Minimum Target grade (MTG) – A realistic, achievable, most-likely outcome. Challenging and ambitious, but the minimum we should expect.
- Current grade – A weighted average of KS4 assessments to date.
- Attitudinal data – Teacher grading on your child’s performance in the areas of home learning, classwork, behaviour for learning, and organisation.
Parents’ Evenings
Each year group has one curriculum-based Parent-Teacher Evening per year. These events currently take place online, with 4-5 minute bookable appointment slots. We suggest that students accompany their parents for these important conversations. Parents may find that it may not be possible to see all teachers during the course of the evening. Parents who are are unable to book an appointment might like to initiate contact by e-mail to check on the progress of their child.
Each year group also has one pastoral-based Parent-Tutor Evening per year. This is an opportunity for parents to meet their child’s form tutor to discuss their overall well-being and any aspect of school life where there might be concern.
Reporting Calendar 2023-2024
This reporting calendar provides an overview of when key events around assessment and reporting take place throughout the year.