What is self-esteem?
Self-esteem is how we view ourselves, what we think we offer in terms of our beliefs, ideas, opinions, values, relationships and capabilities, as well as, how we feel about simply being ourselves.
Good self-esteem is not about being perfect, or always getting things right. Self-esteem can fluctuate, we all experience good and bad days, recognising an error we made is a great skill and putting it right can actually raise our self-esteem.
How is self-esteem affected?
Self-esteem can be misread, we might see someone and think, based on appearance and actions, that they have great self-esteem, but that is not always the case. We never know how someone truly feels about themselves.
When self-esteem is low we can start to doubt and question ourselves and this behaviour, and thought process, can grow until it becomes our dominant thoughts. We can worry about:
- Decision making
- Our appearance
- Not taking new opportunities
- Blaming ourselves for mistakes or incidents
- Believe we should be accepting of things we do not agree with
- Allowing people to treat us negatively
- Voicing our opinions
- Feeling deserving of positive things
- Being around friends and family
This list is not the only examples, there are many more and different events or situations, can affect us in different ways. We can work on our self-esteem and we can improve how we feel, it might be a difficult journey, but support is available.
How to seek support
- Complete the self-referral on this website and you will be contacted on your school email by a mental health professional
- Go to your GP
- Speak to a trusted adult
- Look on line for information, for example:
You are not alone and will not be judged, support is available.