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Our CEIAG Programme

Our Intent

At Linton Village College we are committed to providing our students with a Careers Programme which is ambitious, inclusive and enriching. We aim to provide all LVC students the skills to progress on their pathway, to achieve their full potential and provide them with the opportunity to develop an understanding of the local and national careers opportunities. We provide a planned programme of activities to support students in making decisions during key points within their education. Throughout the CEIAG Programme students will be provided with information, advice, guidance and practical experiences, which will help them make positive decisions. Students are encouraged to develop their own careers pathway to Post 16 applications and beyond into further and higher education

Our Careers Programme

At Linton Village College our Careers Programme is developed in collaboration with the  Gatsby Benchmarks. CEIAG is delivered throughout the academic year in different formats, including; 

  • Lessons delivered as part of PSHE curriculum
  • Collapsed curriculum days e.g. mock interviews, What’s my Line?
  • Post 16 provider events throughout the year
  • Workshops and presentations delivered by businesses, organisations and post 16 providers.
  • Career Interviews by Careers Advisers
  • Assemblies
  • Work experience week

In order to deliver our Careers Programme; meet the needs of our students; and engage with local employers we work closely with Form the Future which allows us to maximise the opportunities available to our students. 

Careers Programme Summary

The Linton Village College CEIAG programme is designed to provide opportunities for all students from their arrival in Year 7, through to their GCSE results in Year 11.

Year 7 students start with an exploration of the world of work. They consider their own skills and understanding, identify with their own aspirations and are introduced to careers through interactions with different businesses.

Year 8 students consolidate their understanding of the wider world of work and further study, with a view to their option choices for the Year 9 programme of study. Students will gain an understanding of key skills needed in the world of work through various opportunities. Students have access to vocational education and apprenticeship providers to enable them to build their understanding of these options.

Year 9 is a key transition point for students at Linton Village College as they make their final options choices, leading to their KS4 programmes of study. The CEIAG programme provides them with the opportunity to think about their future programmes of study Post 16 and beyond by exploring further education, vocational, business and apprenticeship opportunities. All students have guidance interviews with their parents/ carers before making their final choices.

Year 10 students develop their understanding of careers and next steps into further and higher education. Leading up to the summer terms work experience week, students are encouraged to find their own meaningful work placements, which is supported by a range of activities, including mock interviews with local business volunteers in preparation. In readiness for post-16 applications in year 11, students will deepen their knowledge and understanding of technical education and apprenticeship routes available to them in the area.

Year 11 students will be in a position to make their final decisions regarding the Post 16 Applications. Career advisors will provide targeted advice to help students cement their ideas and aspirations by informing them of their opportunities. Students will have guidance and support throughout the Post 16 application process, with all students having input from college providers, some of whom offer T Level, vocational education and apprenticeship routes.

If you have any questions about; 

  •  post-16 education and careers, please contact Nicola Scally, Careers Lead & Post-16 Coordinator. 
  • For 1:1 careers/future advice meetings, please contact Regan Neaves, Careers Advisor

Other Useful Links

Please use the links below to access further information to support post-16 choices for Year 11 students and their parents/carers. 

Post 16 Launch Presentation


A Parent/Carers Guide – How to help your teenager choose their GCSE options

Making Subject choices at age 12-14

21 Top Jobs for the Future

Options at 16      


Government’s Apprenticeship Database 

Parental Guidance Website:  What are Apprenticeships? 

Parental Guidance Website:  What are T Levels?  

  • Labour Market Information: 

Local Cambridgeshire and Peterborough  

Parental Guidance Website:  Labour Market Information 

How to Write A CV – The Full Guide For Applicants | s1jobs


‘What type of Careers?’

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