Years 7 and 8
In Years 7 and 8, all students follow the same broad and balanced curriculum (with a choice of French or Spanish) that allows every child to achieve to their best while inspiring a love of learning.
The core curriculum consists of a range of subjects that nurture the interests, skills and talents of all students while developing their wider knowledge base in preparation for making informed option choices as they tailor their curriculum.
In Year 8 the students need to make some decisions about the technology and arts subjects they study in Year 9 as the first stage of a two-stage options process.
The options booklet and links to subject videos from previous years can be found below.
Note: This page is updated annually in the spring once the options process begins.
Key dates for Year 8 Students for 2023-2024
Tuesday 30th January – Options assembly
Wednesday 14th February – Options booklet published to students (and Satchel:One)
Thursday 29th February – Options Evening Event (in person) with Parent-Tutor Meetings and Subject Marketplace
Monday 4th March – Options form published on Satchel:One
Monday 18th March – Deadline for final options form (online – as distributed via Satchel:One)
All students in Years 7 and 8 study the following subjects:
- English, with specific timetabled lessons for literacy.
- Maths
- Science
- Arts: Art, Dance, Drama and Music
- Technology: Design & Technology, Food Preparation & Nutrition and Computing
- Humanities: Geography, History, Religious Studies and PSHE (Personal, Social & Health Education)
- Modern languages: French or Spanish
- PE, including Personal Fitness and Sport
Year 7 Curriculum and Assessment Map (2024-2025)
Year 7 Calendar 2024-2025
Year 7 Parents Information Evening (19-09-2024)
Year 8 Calendar 2024-2025
Year 8 Curriculum and Assessment Map (2023-2024)
Year 8 Options Assembly for Students (2025)
Year 8 Options Booklet (2025)
Year 8 and 9 Options Evening Presentation for Parents (29-02-2024)