Soon you will be starting your Year 11 mock exam series. Mock examinations are important for the following reasons:

  • they provide you with the experience of completing exams in a formal setting;
  • they provide your teachers with an indication of your exam performance to inform estimated grades which will be submitted on your Post-16 applications;
  • they help teachers to understand your strengths and areas to focus on to inform their teaching and support of you;
  • they help you to develop independent study and revision skills that will prove essential for the real exam series in the summer.

The exam timetable will be published by the end of September. Students will receive a printed copy and a digital version will be available here.

During the mock exam fortnight, your lessons will focus on revision when you are not in an exam. Your teachers will direct you to complete relevant subject revision tasks during lesson time. You will be expected to come equipped to those lessons with revision materials to enable you to study independently.

Update: This year’s timetable has now been published. The updated PDFs are available for download at the bottom of this page. 

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