Ethos and Aims

The Maths department at LVC echoes the College ethos, “Everyone is a learner and every learner matters”.

  1. All students can experience success in Maths.
    • We have a growth mindset.
    • All students have the opportunity to access the full curriculum.
    • All students are provided with an appropriate level of challenge.
  2. All students can enjoy Maths, and appreciate Maths as an intellectual pursuit.
    • Maths can be found interesting and satisfying even when not immediately applicable to ‘real life’.
    • There are opportunities for all students to develop curiosity and independence.
    • All students can appreciate challenge and develop problem solving skills.
  3. Maths has a place in the future of all students.
    • An enriching Maths curriculum prepares students for challenges beyond the classroom.
    • Exam results enable post-16 pathways for further study.
    • The study of Maths lays the groundwork for a variety of careers.

Our curriculum at KS3

Students in years 7 and 8 are taught in mixed groups. All groups follow the same scheme of work and use the same core resources, which have been collaboratively developed by our experienced team of Maths specialists. Tasks in lessons are carefully designed to ensure all students have an appropriate level of challenge. Students, who may experience different levels of achievement, work on the same Maths concepts at the same time, albeit at different levels of complexity.

Our curriculum in year 9

Students in year 9 spend the first term in mixed groups as they prepare for their year 9 exams and the transition to GCSE studies. Following the year 9 exams, students are placed in groups which will then study either the foundation tier or higher tier GCSE schemes of work. We agree the appropriate tier of study with students based on their achievement in Maths up to this point. Students who we believe are on track to achieve grades 1 to 5 generally study the foundation tier course. Students who are on track to achieve grades 6 to 9 study the higher tier course.

Our curriculum at KS4

Students in years 10 and 11 are taught in higher or foundation tier groups. As much as possible, the schemes of work for both tiers are aligned so that transitions between higher and foundation are possible, when appropriate. Students will studying similar concepts at the same time, but to different levels of complexity. Some grouping decisions differ from year to year to accommodate the needs of a specific cohort.

Home learning and feedback


Students in all year groups are set weekly tasks on MathsWatch, and all tasks are communicated to students and parents using Satchel:One (Show my homework).

MathsWatch is an excellent platform which offers a range of useful features, including:

  • support videos linked to all questions and tasks,
  • instant feedback on work completed,
  • summary of all tasks completed and access to all prior work,
  • access to instructional videos on the full range of topics at KS3 and KS4.

The Maths department provide weekly drop-in sessions at lunch in IT1 to support students with completing these online tasks. All students are invited to attend and students who do not complete the tasks independently by the deadline are required to attend.

Hegarty Maths

All students also have access to Hegarty Maths. Features include:

  • Instructional videos and quizzes for every Maths skill for both KS3 and KS4.
  • “MemRi” quizzes which help students to practice and recall skills learned in the past.
  • “Fix-up 5” quizzes which prompt students to improve on areas of difficulty from past quizzes.

Class Assessed Tasks

Approximately twice per 1/2 term, students will complete a Class Assessed Task (CAT). These are written tasks completed in class time. Students must work on their own but can look back on their notes. Teachers collect this work and provide formative feedback with specific guidance for individual students on how to improve. Look out for A6 size, purple sheets glued into students’ Maths books.

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